Synchrodogs (Tania Schlegova)

Tania Schlegova
Age 24

Last year we interviewed the other half of the riveting duo Synchrodogs, Roman Noven, now we caught up with the other half, Tania Schlegova, to see how things are going and to get more in touch with the creative couple.

Since we talked to Roman last year you two have accomplished a lot, how has life changed this past year?
Now we are one year older. Also our artistic approach differs a little from what it used to be. 

Will you two ever switchover to digital or will you stay with film?
We don't plan to, we sold all our digital cameras year ago. We may change film cameras and formats though.

How is the creative process of Synchrodogs, being that only one person can actually shoot the photo?
There are always two people who shoot. Every shot is discussed, framing chosen, camera settings defined. Also the word 'synchro' in our name means we are pretty alike in tastes and perceptions, which brings even more trust to each other while making art.

What do you think your ultimate goal in photography is?
The ultimate goal for us is to create art that is associated with us only and is at the same time powerful on emotional level.

Where has been your favorite place in the world to shoot photos?
Our favorite place to shoot photos is in days to come.

How many cats do you own?
Zero. Roman has allergy and we can not keep any cats, but we always find small ones, which live with us for several days until we find a good home for them. We usually go seeing them adult to our friends, grannies, sisters and everybody who was lucky enough to get one from us. We even shot one of them to be on cover of huge russian magazine Afisha together with singer Oleg Legkiy.

Does you and Roman having a romantic relationship really influence a deeper connection in the photos?
Sure. There is some transparency of mind between us. We spend nearly all our time together, so every idea that appears in somebody's head is read out aloud. 

Would you ever do a photographic tour of the USA?
You mean travel and shoot? We believe USA is full of wonders, so we don't exclude the possibility.

What do you think about tumblr's role in photography?
Tumblr is a huge collection of all trendy things, the newsfeed of which we try not to watch to avoid the direct influence on our own ideas.  

What is your take on still life photography and it's popularity?
We like still life photography as genre, but that would be unreasonable if we give up portraying in which we develop ourselves for years and start shooting objects.   

What do you think happens when we die?
We go to heaven or go to hell.

Is art a serious thing to you and Roman?
Yes, indeed.